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What if I have Questions?

Here are some answers for you.

Where are Worship services held?

All worship services are in the Chapel Sanctuary located inside the building with the steeple.

Do I have to be a member to participate in worship?

Our services are open to everyone. All are welcome to participate in worship, ministries and programs, as well as receive the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.  You can even become a member of our congregation regardless of your background.  

Where should I park?

Parking is open to all in front of the Chapel building and across Bonita Lane at our Community Center.  In the event that both parking areas are full, feel free to pull on the grass at the Community Center or park on the Chapel side of Bonita Lane.  

What should I wear?

Come as you are. There’s no dress code at Sandbridge Community Chapel.  As a "beach church" we offer a casual atmosphere where everyone is welcome to wear what makes you comfortable.

What if I haven’t been to church in a long time or never before?

Don’t let that keep you away. There is no better time to come to church than now and we all had a first Sunday at some point.  Join in where you are comfortable or just sit and watch if you prefer.  

What about my kids?

We are a family friendly church where children are welcome at all times.  We have activity bags available for kids who want to join you in worship.  We also offer a nursery for infants - 3 years old, where your children can play happily so you can be fully engaged in worship.  Children 3-3rd grade are welcome to "Breakout" during the sermon time for an age appropriate and fun activity.  All nursery and children's ministry staff have been Safe Sanctuary trained to provide the best, safest environment for your children.

What if I still have more questions?

Feel free to contact us at office@sandbridgeumc.org.

Want to Sample a Sermon?

Recent Series:  The Always God

There’s a rising sense of uncertainty and turmoil in the world and in our lives. Loss and confusion seem endless—an unexpected diagnosis, the rising cost of living, political chaos, overwhelming concern for the future of those we love and the world itself. During heart-crushing “Why is this happening?” moments, we can feel abandoned. Has God given up on us? Is he no longer responding? Has he just . . . left? Yet the Bible assures us, even when we don’t understand what God is doing, he is always at work—pursuing the lost, restoring the broken, calming the anxious, comforting the lonely, helping the angry, encouraging the fearful, and forgiving the guilty. The Always God sermon series invites us to quiet ourselves and listen to the God who does not change or forget us. Not ever!